Kristinn Magnússon
Sjúkraþjálfari og framkvæmdastjóri
2015 Klínísk dáleiðsla, Endurmenntun Háskóla Íslands.
1999 B.Sc. sjúkraþjálfun, Háskóli Íslands.
1993 B.Sc. sálfræði, Minnesota State University, Mankato, USA .
1993 B.Sc. íþróttaendurhæfing, Minnesota State University,
Mankato, USA.
Frá 2008 Sjúkraþjálfari hjá Ásmegin sjúkraþjálfun.
2005-2008 Sjúkraþjálfari hjá Sjúkraþjálfaranum Hafnarfirði.
1999-2005 Sjúkraþjálfari hjá MT- stofunni, sjúkraþjálfun.
1991-1993 Íþróttaendurhæfingarnemi, Minnesota State University.
1992-1993 Rannsóknar-aðstoðarmaður í íþróttasálfræði, MSU.
2001 Hlaupa- og gönguþjálfari hjá ÍBR.
1997-2000 Sundþjálfun hjá Sundfélaginu Ægi.
1997-2001 Hlaupa- og gönguþjálfari hjá Íþróttum fyrir alla.
1996-1997 Leiðbeinandi í göngu- og kraftgönguhópum Sundhallar Hafnarfjarðar
1994-1995 Sundþjálfun hjá Sundfélagi Hafnarfjarðar.
2011-2013 Meðstjórnandi, fræðslunefnd Félags íslenskra sjúkraþjálfara.
2002-2011 Gjaldkeri, fræðslunefnd Félags íslenskra sjúkraþjálfara.
1996-1999 Fulltrúi nemenda í Námsbrautarstjórn við Námsbraut í sjúkraþjálfun.
Námskeið og ráðstefnur
Adam Meakins, The Shoulder: Complex Doesn’t Have to be Complicated
Mike Studer, Maximizing Motor Learning: Neurology, Geriatrics, Orthopedics.
Michael Vadiveloo. The Art & Science of Lower Limb Rehabilitation, a practical and clinical approach, Félag sjúkraþjálfara.
Jean-Pierre Barral.D.O.,MRO(F),RPT.New Manual Articular Approach; spine and pelvic, MASP. The Barral Institute.
Tim Beames. MSc.BSc(Hons).MCSP. The Pain Picture; Exploing Complex Pain States. Félag sjúkraþjálfara.
James Moore. M.Phty(Manips). Sport hip and groin. Félag sjúkraþjálfara
Graciela Rovner.PhD. ACT-Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Félag sjúkraþjálfara
Diane Lee. PT. ISM-Craniun/Neck/Upper/Thorax. Félag sjúkraþjálfara
Deborah Falla, Professor, PT, PhD, Martin B.Josefsen PT, DipMPT. Master class part II, Cervicogenic Headache and Dizziness. Félag sjúkraþjálfara.
Lorimer Moseley. PhD. Understanding Pain; From Biology to Care, Part I. Félag sjúkraþjálfara
Deborah Falla, Professor, PT, PhD, Martin B. Josefsen PT, DipMPT. Master class part I, Cervicogenic Headache and Dizziness by Félag sjúkraþjálfara
Dr. Guy Zito. The Temporomadibular Joint, a physiotherapist´s perspective, by Félag sjúkraþjálfara
Stephen R Andrew LCSW, LADC, CCS, CGP. Motivational Interviewing, Basic & Advanced by Norræna fagráðinu í forvörnum og ráðgjöf.
Johan Alvemalm, PT: Advanced, Mobilisations with movement, SNAGS etc. by Mulligan Concept
Michael D. Yapko. The Discriminating Therapist: Utilizing Hypnosis to Teach Discrimination Strategies (Master Class) by Endurmenntun Háskóla Íslands
Mark Bloemberg, PT, CST-D, BI-D. Visceral Manipulation 5: Manual thermal evaluation and introduction to visceroemotional, by The Barrel Institute.
Stephen R Andrew LCSW, LADC, CCS, CGP. Motivational Interviewing, Basic & Advanced by Norræna fagráðinu í forvörnum og ráðgjöf.
Mark Bloemberg, PT, CST-D, BI-D. Visceral Manipulation 4: Thorax, by The Barrel Institute.
Rita Benamor DO, CST-D, BI-D. Visceral Manipulation 3: Pelvis, by The Barrel Institute.
Gail Wetzler, PT,DPT, EDO, BI-D. Listening Techniques 1, LT1 by The Barrel Institute.
Michael D. Yapko. Comprehensive Training in Clincial Hynosis and Strategic Psychotherapy by Endurmenntun Háskóla Íslands
Diane Lee, PT. Understanding the Links Between The Thorax & Pelvis The Integrated Systems Model
Dr. Helga Sif Friðjónsd., Dr. Sveinbjörn Kristjánsson, Héðinn Svarfdal Björnsson, MA & Soffía Eiríksson, MPA; Áhugahvetjandi samtal.
Peter O´Sullivan, PT, PhD; A Cognitive Functional Approach to the Management of Disabling Back Pain.
Rita Benamor, D.O.: Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 2 (VM 2) by The Barrel Institute.
Diane Lee: The Cranium, Neck, Upper Thorax and Shoulder Understanding the Relationship between these Regions using The Integrated Systems Model for Disability & Pain (Lee & Lee)
Max Zusman, MSc.: Pain Mechanisms and their Physical Management.
Roberto Bonanzinga, D.O.: Neural Manipulation: Neuromeningeal Manipulation, NM II by The Barrel Institute.
Roberto Bonanzinga, D.O.: Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 1 (VM 1) by The Barrel Institute.
Johan Alvemalm,PT: Brian Mulligan´s Concepts, MOBILISATIONS WITH MOVEMENT, NAGS, SNAGS ETS. Part B: Lower Quadrant.
Roberto Bonanzinga, D.O.: Neural Manipulation: Neuromeningeal Manipulation, NMI by The Barrel Institute.
Marjorie Woollacott. PhD & Anne Shumway-Cook, PT, PhD: Motor Control: Balance Rehabilitation, Translating Research into Clinical Practice.
Christine Stebler Fischer,PT: Top 20 DN Course, Dry Needling by David G. Simons Academy.
Harpa Helgadóttir & Hólmfríður Þorsteinsdóttir: Skoðun og meðferð á hálsi, brjósthrygg og axlargrind.
Diane Lee: Treating the Whole Person - The Intergrated Systems.
Diane Lee: Split down the middle. Tips for managing Diastasis.
Sean Gibbons: Central Sensitization: Evidence Based Diagnosis & Rehabilitation.
Sean Gibbons: Changing the Brain for Movement, Pain & Function: Proprioceptive Sensory Motor Training and Primitive Reflex Inhibition.
Anthony Campbell: Acupuncture/Dry Needling.
Ráðstefna: NOI 2010. Neurodynamics & neuromatrix conference, Nottingham, Bretland.
Robert Donatelli: Pathomechanics, Evaluation, and Treatment of the Hip, Knee and foot. The Lower Kinetic Chain.
Diane Lee: Discover the Pelvis Level 2: Understand the links between the lumbar spine, pelvis and hip.
Diane Lee: Discover the Lower Extremity: Integrating the Lower Limb and the Lumbopelvic Region.
Endurmenntun HÍ: Grindarbotn og grindarbotnsvandamál – Úrræði og meðferð.
Sarah Mottram: Diagnosis, Subgroup Classification & Motor Control Retraining of the Shoulder Girdle.
Sarah Mottram: Kinetic Control–Understanding Movement & Function, Assessment and Retraining of Uncontrolled Movement–Theory and Concepts in a clinical reasoning framework.
Robert Donatelli: Pathophysiology & Mechanics of the Shoulder.
Robert Donatelli: Sports Specific Rehabilitation.
Diane Lee: Discover the pelvis–level 1.
Robert Donatelli: Pathophysiology & Mechanics of the Shoulder.
Diane Lee: The “Advanced Pelvis” Course–The Lumbar Spine & Hip.
Diane Lee: Postpartum health for Moms.
Alfio Albasini: McConnell Institute; Evidence based McConnell approach to chronic knee problems.
Grete Mellingen Homstöl: Kinetic Control; Theory & Concept Modele.
Dr. Dudy Pierre: Fibrolysis Diacutaneous-Second module; Upper extreities.
Diane Lee: The Thorax – An Integrated Approach for Restoring Function Relieving Pain.
Diane Lee: The Pelvis – An Integrated Approach for Restoring Function Relieving Pain.
Shirley A. Sahrmann: Diagnosis and treatment of movement system impairment syndromes.
Mickael Shacklock: Neurodynamic solutions(NDS); Upper quarter course.
Ráðstefna: First International Fascia Research Congress; Basic Science and Implications for Conventional and Complementary Health Care. Boston, USA.
Ráðstefna: 6th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Pain; Diagnosis and Treatment; The Balance between Research and Clinic. Barcelona, Spáni.
Dr. Dudy Pierre: Fibrolysis Diacutaneous - First module; Lower extreities.
Leon Chaitow: Understanding & Managing Fibromyalgia Syndrome & Breathing Pattern Disorders for Manual Therapists.
Leon Chaitow: Muscle Energy & Positional Release Technique, Reykjavík.
Diane Lee: The Pelvis – An Integrated Approach for Restoring Function Relieving Pain.
David S. Butler: NOI; The Sensitive Nervous System.
Ráðstefna: The Spine – World Congress on Manual Therapy; Cervical Spine, Lumbar Spine, Pain. Róm, Ítalíu.
Jóna Hildur Bjarnadóttir: Leiðbeinandanámskeið í stafgöngu.
Michael T. Gross; Structural Assessment of the Lower Quarter.
Ingveldur Ingvarsdóttir: Þjálfun hjartasjúklinga.
Johan Alvemalm: The Mulligan Concept;“NAGS”, “SNAGS”, & “MWMS” – Upper Quarter.
Johan Alvemalm: The Mulligan Concept; “NAGS”, “SNAGS”, & “MWMS” - Lower Quarter.
Johan Lambeck; Vatnsþjálfunarfræði; Halliwick, Bad Ragaz, Ai Chi, Deep Relaxation & Pain.
Magnús Ólason: Námskeið í nálastungumeðferð fyrir sjúkraþjálfara: fyrri og seinni hluti.
Bernt Ersson: Öxl og brjósthryggur [Ortopedmedicinsk undersöknings- och behandlingsteknik]
FÍSÞ: Rekstrartækni fyrir sjálfstætt starfandi sjúkraþjálfara.
Tom Arild Torstensen: Medical Exercise Therapy – Theory manual; Thoracic and low back pain - sciatica.
Tom Arild Torstensen: Medical Exercise Therapy – Theory manual; Neck and shoulder girdle pain – headache.
H. Duane Saunders: Evaluation, Treatment and Prevention of Spinal Disorders.
Eyþór Kristjánsson: Whiplash – Associated Disorders.
Bernt Ersson: Manipulation (hálshryggur) [Ortopedmedicinsk mobiliserings- & manipulationsteknik]
Bernt Ersson: Efri- og neðri útlimir. Skó- og fótaanalysa [Ortopedmedicinsk undersöknings- och behandlingsteknik]
Eyþór Kristjánsson: Ný vísindaleg þekking á æfingameðferð fyrir mjóbakssjúklinga
Eyþór Kristjánsson: Nýjar æfingmeðferðir til að tryggja stöðugleika mjóbaks
Bernt Ersson: Lendhryggur og mjöðm [Ortopedmedicinsk undersöknings- och behandlingsteknik]
Bernt Ersson: Hálshryggur [Ortopedmedicinsk undersöknings- och behandlingsteknik]
Bernt Ersson: Manipulation; brjóst- & mjókbak [Ortopedmedicinsk manipulationsteknik]
Morgan Anderson: The Mulligan Concept; “NAGS”, “SNAGS” AND MOBILISATIONS WITH MOVEMENT
David S. Butler: NOI; Mobilisation of the nervous system
Valerie Phelps: International Academy of Orthopedic Medicine; Secondary Disc-Related Pathology of the Lumbar Spine: Disc, Facet Joint, Segmental Instability, MN, USA.
Ráðstefna: 5th Nordic Research Symposium in Physiotherapy; Evidence Based Physiotherapy; Bridging Recearch and Clinical Practice, Reykjavík, Iceland.
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